Unite de Detection du Diabete du Pied | |
Nisf El Dunia | |
Egypt Al Ahram | |
Egypt Al Ahram | |
Egypt Al Ahram | |
Egypt Al Ahram Al Arabi | |
Egypt Al Akhbar | |
Egypt Al Gomhouriya | |
Egypt Al Shorouk | |
Egypt Kalam Al Nas | |
Egypt Rosa El Youssef | |
Soiree Reception de Nouvueaux Membres Restaurant Indigo | |
Egypt International Tribune | |
Nisf El Dunia | |
Egypt Enigma | |
Egypt He Magazine | |
Egypt Insight | |
Egypt Layalina | |
Egypt Layalina | |
Egypt Diva | |
Egypt Diva | |
Conference of H.E. Minister Maged Georges | |
Egypt International Tribune | |
Alahram Al Arabi | |
Flash | |
Alahram Weekly | |
Nisf El Dunia | |
Egypt Community Times | |
Egypt Layalina | |
Rotary Club Le Caire-Champollion" soutient l'action humanitaire des Laboratoires Alcon. | |
Nisf El Dunia | |
Identity | |
Daily News | |
Cleo | |
Alakhbar | |
Alahram Hebdo | |
Al ahram Al Arabi | |
Alahram | |
Soiree D amitie "Rotary Club Le Caire Chapollion" et Kiwanis District Belgique-Luxembourg | |
Egypt Elite | |
Egypt Enigma | |
Egypt Layalina | |
Egypt Kalam Annas | |
Conference of Dr. Aly Elsamman | |
Alahram | |
Alahram Weekly | |
Alahram Hebdo | |
Egypt Insight Egypt | |
Nisf El Dunia | |
Alahram | |
Egypt Community Times | |
Egypt Identity | |
Egypt International Tribune | |
Egypt Layalina | |
H.E. Ambassador of Canada Fery de Kerchove | |
Dear Guest | |
Egypt Identity | |
Egypt Flash | |
Egypt Layalina | |
Egypt Kalam An Nas | |
ESDC Sukar Mazboot Conference Report GB | |
Alahram | |
AL Ahram Al Arabi | |
Al Watani | |
Enigma | |
Kalam Al Nas | |
Al Akhbar | |
Al Aharam Hebdo | |
Al Aharam Weekly | |
Gomhouriya | |
El Omal | |
El Omal | |
El Yom es sabaa | |
Heral ditribune daily news | |
Identity | |
Rotary Club Caire Champollion Soiree de Passation Tamarai | |
Al Aharam Hebdo | |
Community Times | |
Enigma | |
Flash | |
Flash | |
Layalina | |
Layalina | |
Al Aharam Weekly | |
Hearld Tribune Daily News | |
Conference S.E. le ministre de l'education Ahmed zaki Badr 18-10-2010 | |
Egypt Al Ahram Al Arabi | |
Egypt Daily News | |
Kalam Al Nas | |
DG | |
Egypt Al Ahram Weekly | |
Conference H.E. Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour Ministr of Tourism Monday May 30 2011 | |
Egypt Al Ahram Al Arabi | |
Egypt Al Ahram Weekly | |
Kalam Al Nas | |
Kol El Dunia | |