Projects and Actions 2008-2009

Samu Social International in Egypt
(under the Presidency of Mr. Daniel Leroux)
Rotary Club Le Caire-Champollion has offered to Samu Social International Egypt a medically equipped Van Toyota to give assistance to street children, day and night. Consequently, children will be able to receive, on their living spot, medical assistance, psychological support and preventive education. This vehicule was officially handed over to Laure Baudin, Regional manager Samu Social International Egypt, on June 25th 2009, during a cocktail party which took place at the French Embassy in Cairo, in presence of H.E. Jean Félix-Paganon, Ambassador of France in Cairo.
Cost: 165.000 EGP

Alcon Laboratories
(World leader for producing intra ocular implants) Rotary Club Le Caire-Champollion supported Alcon Laboratories initiative, to do free of charge cataract surgery, 5 surgeries per month, during a year, for people unable to afford the cost of such a surgery. Rotary Club Le Caire Champollion sent the patients. Dr Hazem Yassin, eye surgeon, did the surgery operations at Ayoun Ed Dawly Hospital in Cairo.

Association "Maison Bleue" Gourna-Luxor
RC le Caire-Champollion is helping this association since more than a year by providing it with medicines and will continue to support it the same way.

«Doweiqa» Moqatttam Cairo
Rotary Club Le Caire-Champollion offered blankets to people who lost their houses due to the rock falls in this area.
Cost: 2 650 EGP

Setting up of the Interact Le Caire-Champollion
Our Club will help the Roataract Le Caire-Champollion in setting up an Interact club. Interact club are formed with young people between 14 and 18 years old who contribute in helping their communities.

Young Diabetics Association
Continue to help this association, which has a project to create a dedicated unit for the prevention of the diabetic foot. 5,500 were already collected from The service clubs "Kiwanis" in Belgium