Rotary is the first international humanitarian organization of service clubs worldwide and was created in 1905. Its motto is "Connect the World".Rotary action can be seen through the actions of the Clubs activity, among others, in doing actions for their communities, humanitarian and medical actions at international level, as well as by promoting high professional ethics and values.
Club members are men and women, from business community and professionals, who offers time and resources to the community they are living in through the world.
Rotarians are setting up projects to overcome poverty, anger, drug abuses and tackle environmental issues. They contribute to enhance the life quality through children vaccination programs, teeth and medical assistance as well as potable water distribution network and waste water treatment. They also tackle analphabetism issues by developing primary education programs, adults and professional teaching as well as training of professionals. Rotarians are also giving priority attention to the youth by promoting clubs for the young and young adults to assist them in developing high professional values and ethics and carrier developments.
Rotarians support international projects through the Rotary Foundation, created in 1917, and finance almost exclusively by Rotarians members. The Foundation subsidies projects that offer, especially for third world countries, health assistance, medical equipment, potable water, food, schools and professional training.
Rotary is promoting international understanding between people through dedicated program trans-borders. The Rotary Foundation is the biggest non governmental organism to enter scholarship worldwide with more tan 30,000 students from 100 countries sent to other country for studying.
Polioplus The Rotary Foundation has also promoted and financed a vast program to eradicate the Polio worldwide. Its own efforts together with its international partners (OMS, UNICEF and CDD) have allowed giving polio vaccines to more than one billion children since 1985.